Here is a little story my friend Sable and I have been working on via email. Awesomely fun story so far :)-------------
The curtain of darkness slowly lifted from Claire's eyes, black, to gray, to swirling circles of hazy light. Her head rolled around her shoulders as she groaned in a daze. As her vision came back into focus she noticed a metallic taste in her mouth and a strange medicinal smell in her nostrils.
"What the...." She groaned groggily.
The powerful red headed amazon tried to move her arms, but found them shackled behind her back. Her legs were free but felt like jello. As her bearings began to return to her she noticed she was tied into a chair wearing one of Tania's white blouses and a black skirt that came down to the middle of her thighs.
"That chloroform is a miracle drug!" A male voice rang out.
Claire's head snapped to the side and she saw the first of the five men in the room. All were dressed in some sort of blue and black power armor. Various weapons hung from their belts and robotic gloves with led lights rested on their hands.
"Ah she's awake....Now we just wait for the other." Came the voice of the leader, his armor slightly different than the others.
"Go to hades male. You'll never catch Tania!" Claire spat vehemetly.
The man chuckled softly as he walked over and delivered an open handed slap to Claire's cheek, spinning her head to the side in a spray of red hair. The amazon's ears rang from the slap as she sat there stunned, amazed at how hard the male had hit her, courtesy of the robotic glove.
"We don't need to catch her...she'll submit willingly.
It was Claire's chance to burst out laughing. "Clearly you don't know her very well!"
Claire shifted her hips a bit, struggling to get comfortable, and then froze in place. Something was wrong. She could feel a cool draft on her sex underneath her skirt, but worse yet, she had been penetrated by something. Her green eyes widened in shock as she yelled out.
"What have you done male?!"
"Just a little something to keep you busy and keep Tania compliant. The Super Tamer inside of you has 5 speeds, an oscillating head, a heated core and a remote control. So don't get any ideas of escaping unscathed...."
Tania tapped the button and her garage door opened up and the black BMW slipped inside. As the door closed behind her, she picked up the briefcase and stepped out. Pushing the bangs out of her eyes as she stood up, Tania started to open the door to go inside, but something caught her eye.
There was the barest hint of a space beneath the door and her keen Amazon senses had picked up a shadow, moving ever so slightly.
It could be her daughter Julia, who was familiar with the outer world concept of weekends. It might be Ultra Man, wanting to have a weekend of hedonism if the city seemed safe. Both were wonderful ideas to the superheroine, weary of her life as a regular, working woman. might also be danger. Tania had many enemies in her own world and Ultra Woman had many in this world, and any of them might be lying in ambush. She had not been very careful with her secret identity; it was hard to hide a tall blonde when someone really wanted to find her.
Setting her briefcase down quietly, she stood up straight, closed her eyes, and brought her bracelets up before her and touched them. A subdued ball of blue light swallowed the sexy businesswoman and when it receded, she had been replaced by Ultra Woman!
She quietly slipped outside into the yard through the side door and floated upwards to the roof. She always had kept one window open for just this sort of occasion and she eased it up. Slipping one of her red and blue boots through the window, Ultra Woman went inside the spare bedroom.
Cracking open the door, she could see a man in blue and black power armor watching the stairs. Her supple boots did not let out a sound as Tania slipped out and walked down the hall. Even as quiet as she was, it was hard not to noticed the beautiful blonde in the body-hugging red, gold and blue costume. As he turned to face her, she leaped forward. Her metal bracelet smashed into the side of his helmet with a crunch, snapping him around and sending him toppling to the floor. He started to tumble down the stairs, but at the last second Ultra Woman grabbed the back of his belt and easily pulled the man and his armor back upstairs.
Heading down the stairs, Ultra Woman got halfway down to see two more armored men waiting for her, nasty black weapons drawn. Bringing up her bracelets, she was about to pounce when one spoke.
"Did you not think we would know if one of our men fell, Ultra Whore?" one said through his helmet. "Wait!" he added as she was about to attack. "You should see who we have in the next room for you, Ultra Cunt. One of your cunt sisters is dying to see you!"
Ultra Woman glared. He might be lying, but if it was Julia, she had to wait and see. With a nod of her head through the door, she signaled him to go ahead. "I will follow."
Claire's eyes lit up as she watched the door to the bedroom open and Tania walk in with one of the men.
"Tania!" She screamed, practically jumping in her seat, the manacles easily holding her in the chair.
The look of shock on Tania's face was tradgic. The stench of chloroform hung in the air like a cloud, already telling the story of how Claire was captured so easily. Seeing her lover spurned Claire into action, making her buck up and down in the chair as she tried to break free.
"Let me go you monsters!" She growled.
One of the guards walked up beside Claire and hauled an arm way back. With a powerful thrust he drove it down into her midsection, driving the air out of her lungs in a powerful gasp. Claire's head hung forward, her red hair masking her face as she struggled to regain her breath. The leader laughed sadistically as he approached Ultra Woman.
"Let me enlighten you as to the precarious situation you find yourself in Ultra Woman...or was it Tania? We know all about you and your precious little lover here. And before you do not get to know our motivations. All you need to today you'll learn something. You'll learn a woman's proper place...beneath a man. Subserviant to a man. And until you accept that....the lovely Claire here will suffer."
As if to prove his point, the captain reached to his powerglove and pressed a button. A loud humming sound filled the bedroom as Claire threw her head back in a spray of red hair, her mouth open in an almost agonizing scream as the vibrator roared to life inside her.
"P-p-please....s-s-stop....." She stuttered through clenched teeth.
"And that's only the first of 5 settings...Tania" The villian hissed, moving his face so close to Tania's she could feel his breath on her lips.
She met him eye to eye, her piercing blue eyes unflinching. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched the other men, all watching her...and her body. She knew the effect her body and uniform had on men and it usually gave her an advantage. Men were so foolish in that way. The only time is was a disadvantage was when men got the upper hand on her, but by now, she was past fearing that.
Quicker than the eye could see, Ultra Woman snatched the soldier's wrist, wrenched it around so the man had to spin facing away from her, and twisted his wrist behind him. She grabbed him by the throat with her other hand and squeezed. "And I can break your arm off and disable your little device. Amazons serve no man," she hissed in his ear.
The leader of the men rasped while being choked, but seemed unfazed by her sudden and overwhelming maneuver. "Number three," he gasped.
One of the other men brought up her wrist to show the same controls on his glove. "Stupid bitch," he snarled as he pressed another button.
Claire screamed in erotic agony as the vibrator's attack on her sex tripled. The humming in the room grew even louder as the pretty red headed Amazon writhed in place. The heady smell of her juices filled the air as they began to leak and pool up on the chair underneath her ass.
"NNNUUGHHHHHHH!!!!!" Claire screamed through clenched teeth.
As the writhed back and forth one of the two men standing on either side of her reached down and popped free the button on the top of her blouse, opening it halfway and revealing her bouncing breasts, clad in a red lace bra underneath. Looking intently at Tania he reached down and clamped a hand over her bra covered breast, clamping down hard on it, making the massive orb swell and squish out between the powerful fingers.
"Let him go Ultra Slut or it's going to get a lot worse for poor Claire here!" He ordered.
The man in Tania's grasp chuckled softly as she held him in place. "Running out of options Tania?"
"My name is Ultra Woman, only my friends call me Tania," she said as she threw the leader across the room. Flailing arms and legs, he crashed into the coffee table that Tania has never liked anyway.
"If you think a little orgasm would make an Amazon surrender," Ultra Woman said in the most defiant tone she could muster, "you do not know Amazons!"
Inside she was horrified at what was happening to Claire. More than once, Ultra Woman had been in that very same situation, helplessly forced to orgasm for evil men, but she could not surrender. Then they would both be like that!
The first armored man came up to intercept Ultra Woman. A quick jab to the groin stopped him in his tracks. She grabbed the chestpiece of his armor and easily lifted his 400 pounds of man and armor over her head.
"Stop!" the leader said, and pointed towards Claire.
One of the men had wrapped a black leather strap around Claire's neck and was starting to squeeze.
"Oh, we have one more setting to play with," the leader said as he touched the red button on his wrist.
"GGLGLLLKKKK!!!!" Claire groaned as she was suddenly unable to suck down any more air.
Her body writhed in place as the tamer suddenly kicked into it's highest setting. Claire arched her back up from the chair, her massive breasts straining against the front of the half open blouse.
The redheaded amazon's skin color began to match her hair as the air was cut off from her brain. Her body shuddered in place as an explosion of her juices splattered against the chair's cushion, filling the room with the musky aroma of sex.
"Wow...she has bigger tits than you slut!" The man choking Claire called out to Tania.
Claire's body began to come down off of the orgasm, her head rolling back onto the man's shoulder. Her pretty green eyes rolled back into her head as she began to lose consciousness, her once powerful kicking legs now just slowly shifting back and forth on the ground.
"She's dying Tania...." The man whispered, extending his tongue and slipping it into Claire's ear, never breaking his gaze with Ultra Woman.
The guard laughed as he watched Tania's head spin to the side. Claire gasped for breath a few feet behind him as the color began to return to her face and lips.
"Tania...don'" She pleaded uselessly.
The man moved in close once more, smiling sadistically as his face was so close their noses almost touched. He inhaled sharply, drawing in the scent of Tania's perfume. He slowly began walking around behind her as he whispered instructions.
"First...take your foot off of my man and let him free." He hissed into her ear
As Tania lifted her heeled boot off of the man's chest he rolled over, crawling away and taking up position on the otherside of the dazed and drained Claire.
"Good doggy...." He whispered softly into her ear, his lips grazing it through the blonde hair covering it. "Now....pull down your top a bit....and play with your breasts"
The men standing next to Claire watched Tania intensly, one of them reaching out and placing a powerful gloved hand at the front of her throat, holding her in place as he threatened to resume her strangulation.
Glaring daggers at the leader, she turned her blue eyes to Claire. She had to do this, she could never let them kill her best friend. As the leader stood before her, and she glanced again at Claire, so helpless.
Her eyes turned back to the leader who slipped his gloved hand around the back of her neck. "Do it," he breathed in her ear.
"Pig," she breathed, and reluctant reached up and pulled the right cup of her bustier down, freeing her firm, full breast. She gripped it in her hand and lifted it up and rubbed her thumb over the quickly perky nipple.
"Two, come here," the leader said casually and one of the soldiers walked about the sofa and approached them. "Since Ultra Slut here seemed reluctant, why don't you help her?"
The soldier raised the visor on his helmet to reveal his lips and mouth. He was a muscular African man and he leaned down, brushed the tip of his tongue over her nipple, then sucked it into her mouth.
"MMNgh!" Ultra Woman gasped and started to grab him, but the leader suddenly grabbed Tania by her blonde hair and twisted her head to face him. "Remember your friend," he threatened, as the soldier behind Claire pulled the leather strap tight for a moment.