Ultra Woman brought up her bracelets before her, knees bent, and ready for action as she burst into the lab. "I took down your underlings, now you will go down."
"Wait!" the villain called out from across the room, his sculpted body covered by the thin and tight black bodysuit. "I have an offer to make, Ultra Woman."
The blonde Amazon looked warily at the villain. She quickly glanced around. "Some trick?"
"Not at all, you have my word of honor," he replied. "It is only you and I here. You were able to stop my plan and I am impressed. Of course, now we must fight. You realize that I am an experienced warrior and have the strength to go toe to toe with you."
While she knew that he would be a tough one to bring down, especially after DNA engineering had turned him into a muscular man of immense physical strength and durability, Ultra Woman was confident she could use her superior speed and training to bring him down. "If you are attempting to place fear in my heart, you should know that no Amazon dreads battle," she said calmly as she forced herself to keep her eyes on his rather than wandering over his incredible body.
The villain's piercing eyes wandered over her body in his turn, as her Amazon form was held closely by the gold and red bustier hugging her high, firmly perfect breasts and the starry blue tights that dipped between her legs. "I would never doubt that you are fearless, Ultra Woman," he said as he calmed himself. It was difficult to not get a little excited at the beauty of the Amazon, which seemed to be part of the purpose of the fantastic costume she wore.
He glanced at the wall behind him and added, "However, if we battle, it will not be quick and it will spread beyond these walls. There are innocent people not far from here. I would never hurt innocent people, despite my reputation, but debris and bodies will fly in the heat of battle. Plus, think of the damage we will do to this building and others."
Ultra Woman stood a little straighter. Was he talking just to get her off her guard? That did not seem like him. He was either thoughtful or suddenly violent, not devious. For a villain, he was surprisingly honorable. "I do not want any more damage than necessary, but I assume you are not saying that you surrender? You know I will not surrender."
He shook his head briefly. "Not at all, but I have a proposition for you. Normally I would thoroughly enjoy a battle with such a noble opponent, but I offer you a different competition, one that does not damage any buildings or threatens any innocents."
"Go on," Ultra Woman replied with an eyebrow skeptically raised.
"A competition of willpower," he explained, "your willpower against mine."
Ultra Woman took a few steps near a solid lab table and kept it between them. He was not one to lower himself to tricks, but there was always a first time when prison was on the line. "And how would you arrange that?"
"Ah, that is the conundrum," he said, "but I have a solution. We both know that before you discovered by little part in this plot, we had a wonderful night of pleasure." He saw the flush rise into Ultra Woman's cheeks and her jaw set firmer. "I am not saying that to upset you, I would never do that. However, I still find you as incredibly alluring and enticing as I did that night."
Her blue eyes narrowed, even as her thoughts wandered back. She had fallen for him that night and it had been a night of intense passion for them both that had left the two superpowered people in gasping exhaustion. Despite her need to focus on the impending battle, Ultra Woman felt her nipples harden within her bustier and a tingle dance around under her satin panties. But she said nothing.
"I see you are silent, which I admire. Normally someone in this situation would spit out some nasty rejoinder. Here is what I offer, based on that night: come to bed with me, rather than battle. The test of willpower will begin then."
Her eyebrows went up and her eyes widened. "What, have sex with you?" she said incredulously.
He nodded calmly. "Yes, come with me. The test of willpower will begin then. I offer you this: if you make me orgasm against my will, before I do the same to you, I will make myself your prisoner and you may deliver me to the authorities when you are ready. You have my word of honor."
"You must be..."
The handsome villain held up a finger. "It is much preferable to the alternative, wanton destruction. I know you have no fear of a battle, but the innocent people in this office building would. I won't hurt them on purpose, but battles are by definition not controllable. Come with me, Ultra Woman. If you draw out my orgasm from my body, I will be your prisoner."
Ultra Woman hesitated. It was ridiculous, have sex with him instead of battling him? Despite herself, she knew he had a point. There were innocent people above and below this floor and a battle of superpowered people rarely left a building undamaged. "Wait," she said as a thought struck her. "What if you win this sick contest?"
A smile cross his chiseled face. "If you win, then I would be doomed to prison for years," he said. "I would say that, in return, if I win...you will stay with me for a week of passion, as my own personal sex slave. After that week, we part and each go our own ways. You will have your freedom to chase me down after that week. And of course, you must give your own word of honor to agree."
Ultra Woman's mouth opened in shock. Was he serious? "That is impossible..." she said.
As he stood there, arms at his sides, his broad chest and hard body before her, Ultra Woman's mind rolled over the concept. If she agreed, no innocents could be hurt. And, despite his villainy, she did trust him. Should she accept and risk a week of sexual servitude to the handsome, sculpted villain...?
A most interesting proposition!
ReplyDeleteA perfectly reasonable challenge. heh. . . heh . . . heh. . .
ReplyDeleteA great idea for a challenge.Have you considered continuing this? I'd love to
ReplyDeletesee and read more.
Did this fight ever get anywhere? I have a dozen ways where your villain can cheat and super sensuously clobber the lovely Ultra Woman. Perhaps even score a sexual knockout (ultimate victory)